Five Guys Named Moe - button badge |
Aladdin - Danny La Rue - button badge |
Aspects of Love - button badge |
Batman - pin |
Beauty and the Beast - pin |
Catch Me If I Fall - badge |
Cats - button badge |
Cats Lover - button badge |
Danny La Rue - cloth patch |
Docklands Light Railway - button badge |
Dame Edna Everage - button badge |
British Equity - pin |
Fiddler on the Roof - 25th Anniversary - button badge |
Grease - light up eyes (needs battery) button badge |
Hook - badge |
Les Miserables - button badge |
Don't Miss Miz - button badge |
Les Patterson - button badge |
Madonna - Who's That Girl - button badge |
Martin Guerre - pin |
Metropolitan Mikado - button badge |
Mutiny - button badge |
Mary Poppins - penguins - pin |
New York City Salutes the Theatre 1990 - button badge |
Phantom of the Opera - button badge |
I'd Give You My Last Rolo Anytime - button badge |
The Rocky Horror Show - Piccadilly Theatre - button badge |
Miss Saigon - embroidery patch |
Miss Saigon - pin |
Miss Saigon - button badge |
Sugar Babies - Savoy Theatre - button badge |
Swan Esther - button badge |
Smokey Joe's Cafe - button badge |
Camille (Lillian Gish) well-used - brass keyfob |
Chicago - handcuffs - keychain |
Savoy Coat of Arms - keyfob |
Pirates of Penzance - Savoy Theatre (used) - keyfob |
Assorted Musicals - brass keyfob |
The Rocky Horror Show - 21st birthday keyfob |